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Archive for April, 2017

5 Apr 2017

Curbside: A First-of-its-Kind Food Truck Pavilion

XT221961Recently recognized as a first-of-its-kind by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), Curbside Food Truck Pavilion at the Outlets at Corpus Christi Bay garners not only national attention for its unique approach to outlet mall food choices, but also local praise from shoppers looking for deals and steals at the Coastal Bend’s newest shopping destination.

Conceived during a brain storming session with their architect, partners Carduner Commercial, EB Development, and Lockard sought ways to avoid the pitfalls of food courts in an outlet shopping setting by offering seasonal, unique, and varied dining experiences. All roads led back to food trucks.

Familiar with the food truck concept, Rick Carduner of Carduner Commercial helped lead the food truck concept. The team enlisted the help of Jon Onstead, founder and owner of The Block SA, a food truck park at the University of Texas San Antonio and soon thereafter, Curbside was delivered.